Ralph Nault, Spiritual Growth

Choices & Decisions Affect Our Lives

tattered American flag

In the lives of every one of us there are turning points that affect the rest of our life. Choices and decisions have to be made, either by ourselves or someone else.

Are we making good decisions?

Looking back, did I make a wise choice? Did I allow others to make that decision or choice for me? As a result my life moved in a different direction than what I wanted.

I expect most of us looking back at these key points realize we made some poor choices. I made some poor choices with some of the people I got involved with. I made some poor choices in my finances that it took me years to straighten out.

Pressure from others?

Many times my choices were not made with wisdom and understanding, but because of pressure from other people or sources. Have any of us learned from past experiences to make wise decisions?

Fear and worry?

Sometimes I allowed my emotions and desires to make important choices and decisions that I later regretted. In this day and age, media has a great impact on our emotions and our decisions. Now we have the added pressure of the pandemic virus, so fear and worry influence most of the decisions we are making.

Ask God for wisdom & knowledge

Now is a time when we really need to ask God for knowledge and wisdom in making all our decisions, because we are on quicksand and our whole nation is in trouble. Our freedom and liberty is at stake for our children and grandchildren.

I don’t envy any of our state and national leaders, because they are forced into making choices that affect many people, and they don’t have the wisdom and knowledge to make sound decisions. God help them, because they need His help.

Faced with a big decision

Black and white is not the big issue. Dem or Rep is not the big issue. The big issue is this: Are we going to continue to have a free country where we can all live in peace? Or are we all going to live in fear because of lawlessness, afraid to leave our homes, afraid to make our own choices and decisions?

Has the spirit of our nation changed?

As we traveled, Pauline and I became aware that every country we entered into had its own spirit. The Bible tells us this as well. Some countries have a very oppressive and controlling spirit, others a free and happy spirit.

I share this so that you might be aware that the spirit of our nation has changed. We do not have the same spirit of freedom that we enjoyed for so many blessed years. I wonder if we will ever have it back again. Something for you to think about, and pray about.

Pray every day for God to give you wisdom, knowledge, and discernment as you make your decisions.

(By Ralph Nault, Spiritual Growth #486, www.ralphnault.com)


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