KMI-404: Bible Study, Sharing, Prayer

New Winter Zoom Group

In January we are starting a new Zoom group, called KMI-404: Bible Study, Sharing, Prayer. This e-group will meet on Wednesdays for eight weeks, January 24 – March 13, 2024, at 1 pm EST (UTC–05) (19:00 Europe).

We will focus on what the Bible says about concepts and principles such as these: Transformation; God’s Covenants; Grace; Salvation; Faith; Health, healing, & long life; Freedom from the Law; Power of Words; the Names of Jesus & God; Demonic spirits; The Soul & Spirit; Spiritual Authority; Jews, Gentiles, Israel, & Iran.

There will be no study notes. Please bring your Bible, Pen, and Paper.

Registration is required

You must sign up for the e-group because we keep our groups small, allowing everyone time to share, give feedback, or pray for each other. We will provide the Zoom Meeting ID and Passcode after you sign up.

Here is how to sign up for the e-group

Send an email to saying you want to sign up for KMI-404: Bible Study, Sharing, Prayer.

No fees—donation only

Although there is no fee for our Zoom groups, we do ask for donations. A secure DONATE button on every page of my website links directly to the PayPal account of Kairos Ministries, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.

International donors may prefer to use forex brokers who specialize in transferring funds between countries.