Spiritual Battle, Spiritual-Cultural War

Divine Power Transforms Us

Abstract photo representing divine energy

I asked my husband, Gerald, to describe how he saw what happened to me some years ago when the power of God fell on me. Gerald says:

After the medical people told us the leukemia had entered our son’s brain, Judith had not been out of bed for three days. Flattened by despair, she was unable to function at all.

We had lost hope. Our prayers were seemingly ineffective. Our resources were drained. We were at wits’ end. What could we do?

Suddenly—on that proverbial third day—the power of God entered into Judith. My understanding of what happened is that divine energy came right into the center of her being. A tremendous power from on high came right into her gut and caused her to sit bolt upright.

Like she was shot out of a cannon, Judith charged out of the bedroom, transformed, no longer depressed, no longer languishing in despair. Stunned, I asked, “What happened?”

“I don’t really know, but God came,” she said. What more powerful thing could be said: God came.

When God comes to us and by the power of the Holy Spirit touches our lives, we can no longer be the same. I had watched my dear wife suffer for three whole days, and now—in an instant—she was transformed from darkness to light.

Only the power of God can do that for us. The entrance of divine energy is able to break through the barrier of apparent defeat, root out the deadening despair, and bring life and enthusiasm for living once again.

St. Paul says “the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe” is the same power that raised Christ from the dead (Eph 1:19-20). And this power is available to us today.

Dunamis: the Greek word for power—a force, a miraculous kind of ability, strength. That’s the word Jesus used when he promised his followers the Holy Spirit would come upon them.

Perhaps more than ever today we need this same mighty power of God in our personal lives, in our families, in our communities, and in this unprecedented time in our nation’s history.

When our forefathers established the founding documents of our great republic, they could not have imagined the impact of technology on our lives. With indications of fraud in our national election process through the misuse of computers used in the voting process, we need divine power and wisdom to sort out this mess.

Lord, send your power and extend your divine authority into every area of our lives and our nation.

Going beyond ceremonies, creeds, and rituals, the power of the Holy Spirit can transform our lives. This divine power can heal our broken hearts, set us free from past traumas, and give us a new heart and spirit to make all things new.

Pray for revelation as St. Paul prayed for the church. Revelation is necessary to see the power of God at work in our lives, enabling us to minister life to others, heal the sick, and set the captives free.

2 thoughts on “Divine Power Transforms Us

  1. Yes I am ready for a miracle in my life with all that misunderstandings and hurts in my offspring-family where I experienced the deepest wounds and traumas. Its a heavy burden upon me and I want to bring it to our Heil-and who has suffered for all our sins, shortcomingsin His Atonement

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