Spiritual Growth, The Holy Spirit

Starting Point by Ralph Nault

It seems that in most things there has to be a decision and a starting point. What I mean by this is  that we can pray about something for years and never do anything. We can talk about something many times and never do anything. All these things can be prayed about and thought about but may never get started unless someone acts.

For example, these little messages I send once or twice a week. I pray that God will inspire me with something that will touch folks, something that will move them and increase them in some way. To begin with, I never know what I am going to write about before I start.

Inspiration happens

But before I know what I am going to write about I have to start. All I have is a nudging that I should do another Spiritual Growth letter. So I fire up the computer, open up a word document and write down Spiritual Growth #506. I still don’t have a title, so I just write down anything that comes to mind like Going Fishing; that is my title to begin with. But do I write about fishing? No! I just let inspiration happen. I may change the title several time before I finish.

The best thing I can liken it to is taking a walk out in the country or on some streets you have never happened to walk on before. If you are looking, you see all kinds of new things you never saw before. I like doing these little messages, because I see so many things I have never seen before. You see, it is all new to me every time. I would get bored doing this if I had to write the same message every week.

Led by the Spirit

So it is with those who are led by the Spirit. The Lord always has something new to show us like Abraham. He did not know where he was going when the Lord called to go.

By faith Abraham, when He was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out not knowing where he was going (Hebrews 11:8).

Being led by the Spirit is a walk into the unknown! But this is not what the natural mind wants: It wants a plan; it wants to know where it is going; it wants to know what is expected of it; and it wants a program and wants to be programed.

I remember when the Lord wanted me to open my home and have a meeting. I said, “Lord I don’t know what to do or say.” He said, “I will tell you what to do and say.” Well He did, but He did not tell me what to say until it needed to be spoken. He did not tell me what to do until I needed to do it. So it is with those led by the Spirit, they speak and act in faith, not knowing where it will bring them.

Spiritual Growth #506 Starting Point by Ralph Nault, The New Life Inc.

1 thought on “Starting Point by Ralph Nault

  1. Its amazing to me that reliance on the Holy Spirit is really the best place to be. The best moment to live in. Yet at times the most uncomfortable as we are involved with Gods purposes and He in ours!

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