Jesus asked some really important questions during his ministry on earth. “Do you want to be whole?” (John 5:6 KJV) is certainly one of them, and it’s a great question for each of us today. We all have hindrances in our lives that keep us from the life God wants us to live. Sometimes there are things we need to…
Changes in Fall Zoom Schedule
News flash: Changes in Zoom Schedule Because of a variety of issues that interrupted our work, our Zoom groups on Life & Death this fall will now start Wednesday October 5 @ 1 pm (EST) and Thursday, October 6 @ 7 pm (EST), but not in September as we advertised. The groups will be 8 weeks long, with a possible…
New Zoom Group Begins In September
KMI-307 Life & Death: Making Life-Giving Choices Starting mid-September, I will be teaching a new Zoom group, KMI-307 Life & Death: Making Life-Giving Choices. In this group we will discuss the very important topic of learning how to distinguish between what brings life and what brings death in our lives. Life and death are two powerful forces operating right within…
The Power of Choice
Notice in the following Scripture that our Creator put Himself on record as giving his man Adam a choice? What a tremendous and terrible choice it was: one choice would lead to life, the other to death. But in spite of the warning, Adam chose wrong! I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set…
Spring Zoom Group Starts May 4
A new sharing group on Zoom (KMI-403: Spiritual Growth, Healing, and Wholeness) begins Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 1 pm EST (UTC–05) (19:00 Uhr Europe). We will meet weekly on Wednesdays for five weeks through June 1, 2022. We will trust the Holy Spirit to lead us as we talk about our spiritual journeys and share our lives together.…
Are you willing to adventure with the Holy Spirit?
Years ago I made a trip to Germany with a dear friend. I want to share with you some highlights of that wonderful adventure of being led by God’s Spirit, sharing the faith, love, and peace from God we’d experienced, watching it touch the lives of hurting people. Before leaving home, we had no idea what God had in store…
Are You Awake?
We live in a culture that has drifted far from the idea of faith in God. In fact, it seems we gave up God decades ago for the idea of “settled science.” We do not believe that there is a God who can make his words known to us. Recently I read Russian historian Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s conclusion after studying the…
Seekers #4: Calling His People Out by Ralph Nault
Why is it that God is always calling His people out? He spoke to Abraham and said,” Come out from among your brethren.” Later He called His people to be different from the people of the world. In the New Covenant, he tells us to come out from among them and be not like them. Hence, let us go out…
Whose voice do you follow?
Today I am 82 years old, born on St. Nicholas Day, December 6, 1939. St. Nicholas, a 4th century Greek bishop, would commonly leave coins in people’s shoes at night and dedicated his entire life to serving people who were sick and suffering. Perhaps I should have left my shoes outside last evening, in hopes of receiving a gift in…
Are You Satisfied?
Following is a guest blog post by my friend Ralph Nault: Being satisfied is a wonderful thing. Pauline and I are very blessed because we are satisfied with what we have. We do not have a lot by worldly measure, but we do have everything we need. Does having everything you need satisfy you? Then what more do you need?…