Spiritual Growth

Do You Need More Grace?

Why do you think St. Paul began his letters with, “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus”? Because we need grace! I need it every day, and many times throughout my day. But many Christians do not know what grace is, recognize it when it comes, or realize it is something they can ask…

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Do Our Nation’s Leaders Dream?

In preparing for my new e-group on Zoom, “Understanding Dreams,” I came across dreams President Abraham Lincoln and President Lyndon Johnson had while in office. Feeling appalled about what is happening in Afghanistan, I wonder if anyone in our White House today dreams? President Lincoln Abraham Lincoln dreamed of his death about two weeks before his assassination: “Around the coffin…

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Dreams-Visions, Spiritual Growth

First Thoughts

Over 40 years ago, Dorothy, a woman in the Netherlands, received a vision and asked her husband to share it when he visited us in Massachusetts. She said, “I saw a large table spread with many things on it that you will do, but you are to pick up one thing at a time and do it. When it is…

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Spiritual Growth

Waiting Expectantly

A pair of mourning doves recently built their nest in a fern hanging just outside my office window. In the past two weeks, I have been daily watching mama dove as she sits peacefully on her little eggs—waiting, simply waiting. Once in a while, papa dove comes by and relieves her, but when she returns, she takes her place just…

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Gerald Doctor, Healing & Wholeness

Freed! Free

We are greatly influenced by events early in our lives. Also we know that words have power to bring life or death, to lead us forward or backwards. Someone’s words—intended or not—can wound us deep inside. One day in a ninth-grade civics class we were sharing our career goals. My naïve aspiration was to become an engineer. Our teacher, Mr.…

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