Encouragement, Spiritual Growth

Cast All Your Anxiety on Him

knitting needles showing casting the yarn.

To help us navigate our lives in this present evil world, our God has provided us with powerful resources. But we need to use them. Listen to this one:

Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you [has affection for you] (1 Peter 5:6-7).

The Greek word translated as “anxiety” carries the idea of distractions. What disturbs and distracts your mind, keeping you awake at night? What troublesome thoughts are pressing on your mind?

We plan to go to Massachusetts for two weeks in September. Primarily because of my leg accident, we have not gone on the road for the last four years to minister to others. Now, based on a dream, we will board an airplane, fly to Providence, RI, and minister in both eastern and western Massachusetts. Incredible, I say to myself, but I choose to be willing and obedient to follow God’s direction.

Sometimes at night, however, I am awake because of anxious thoughts about this trip. Will it be cold up there? What kind of clothes do I need? How will I take care of my injured leg? Will I have the energy to teach and minister day after day? How can I …? Will I …?  Do I …?

I think you get the idea: Anxious thoughts! Here St. Peter tells us what do with our anxious thoughts: Cast them upon God and His Son Jesus Christ.

People who knit understand what it means to cast a stitch of yarn from one needle onto another needle. This is how you cast your cares onto Him. Just literally see yourself casting one of your anxious thoughts onto God. His mercy is there for you every day. If you want peace in your thoughts and heart, you can do what He says.

Jesus Himself told us not to be anxious for tomorrow, like worrying about having something to wear. He said instead we should seek His kingdom and righteousness (Matthew 6:24-34).

For several years I was troubled by the loss of my hair. Finally, I said to myself, I am tired of being anxious about this. I did what the Bible instructs us to do: “I now choose to cast this care onto You, Jesus. You said you know the number of my hairs. It is not my problem anymore, but Yours.” Peace came into my heart. I no longer fret about this!

I like how the prophet Isaiah explains it:

“Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God, I will strengthen you; surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).

Memorize these words, and say them often to yourself. Faith in God’s words works!

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