Gerald Doctor, Healing & Wholeness

Freed! Free

We are greatly influenced by events early in our lives. Also we know that words have power to bring life or death, to lead us forward or backwards. Someone’s words—intended or not—can wound us deep inside. One day in a ninth-grade civics class we were sharing our career goals. My naïve aspiration was to become an engineer. Our teacher, Mr.…

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client drawing Judith Doctor
Healing & Wholeness

Do you have a heart problem?

The book, Prayers that Heal the Heart, describes a prayer strategy that can be used in groups as well as individuals. We choose one troubled area causing inner tension in our heart, then focus on the seven root causes that may be contributing to it: 1) Generational sins and curses; 2) Ungodly soul ties; 3) Negative expectations; 4) Inner vows;…

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Healing & Wholeness

From despair to sunshine

This year on my Radio Horeb programs, I am focusing on inner healing through the Holy Spirit. In the Bible God promises to heal our wounds, yet many Christians do not know how to go to Jesus for healing. I am re-posting a blog about how my husband Gerald received inner healing over 20 years ago. Here is his story:…

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