Dreams-Visions, My Testimony

Living My Dreams

Recently I was interviewed by our local newspaper. The editor sent questions, and I spent the entire weekend trying to figure out how to answer them. The questions forced me to look back over my life and try to explain it to a complete stranger. In some way, it forced me to think about the meaning and purpose of my…

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wind spirit
My Testimony

Power of God & Using Spiritual Authority

Hello Friends, This Sunday on Radio Horeb in Europe I am speaking on the theme, “Seek the Kingdom of God.”  Jesus tells us to seek first for the kingdom, but many Christian people have no idea of what the kingdom is or how to seek it. Some think it means heaven, others think it refers to their church, and others…

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heart-based journey
My Testimony, Spiritual Growth

What Is The Kingdom of God?

In 1985, when my husband was  in depression again, I found it very painful. One morning I knelt beside our bed and poured out my heart to the Lord. I found myself praying, “Lord, will you send Frans to us?” Who was Frans? An ordinary engineer who lived in Europe, Franz Schadee (Bible Mission International) had been touched by the…

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Healing & Wholeness, My Testimony

Dream Reveals My Poverty

A few years after I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I still suffered from too many negative feelings and beliefs. I experienced jealousy, rejection, unloved, unable to connect to the feeling of love in my heart, emptiness, shame, guilt, and all kinds of fears—even though my church friends considered me a good Christian. So I began to pray…

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My Testimony

Healing Power of Love

Love is key in creating a life-giving atmosphere in our homes and churches. Love is a powerful force that can open closed hearts. The Bible tells us that ultimately love is all important; it is everything. Yet we continue to have a poverty of love in our nation, our homes, churches, and institutions. I have seen my own poverty too.…

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Dreams-Visions, My Testimony

Dream: From Rooftop to Rooftop

Many years ago, I dreamed the following dream. I believe it was metaphorically depicting the nature of the journey that the Spirit of God was inviting me to. “Jump,” the Voice behind me urges. Filled with apprehension, I look out the window. A sea of rooftops stretches into the distance. I understand that this unseen Voice wants me to leap…

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