heart faith Holy Spirit
My Testimony, The Holy Spirit

I Need The Holy Spirit

Our search for God often begins with a crisis. We encounter something that we don’t have the resources or power to handle. For me, it was my child’s diagnosis of leukemia. I knew then that, if I didn’t find a living God, I would never survive this. My search brought me to the realization that I needed the Holy Spirit.…

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egg faith lie scorpion
My Testimony, Using Faith

Can God Lie?

In a recent post (“I Find The Key”) I told about Nancy emphasizing the importance of faith in God’s kingdom. Here are the steps she used to help me find the key to the path of life. First, she read aloud the words of Jesus: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and…

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horse cart
My Testimony, The Holy Spirit

I Find the Key: Faith in My Heart

During this time of my intense spiritual searching, something unusual was taking place in our Sunday School class. The room had swelled to overflowing with people. An air of expectancy was present; people were searching for something—they wanted more! I noticed that one couple in our class seemed different from the others. When Andy and Nancy prayed, they acted as…

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God dead
My Testimony, The Holy Spirit

The Jesus People Revolution

Last week, the movie Jesus Revolution played in theaters across our country. It tells the story of the Jesus People Movement in Southern California in 970. We were living in San Diego at that time and were deeply impacted by what we saw going on around us. This movement was the forerunner of the Charismatic Movement. Here is a blog…

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Belgium map Europe
Healing & Wholeness, My Testimony

My Legacy of Fear

In our house on Evanston Ave, in  Muskegon, Michigan, where I was born, the oldest of six children, in 1939, we grew up to the sounds of silence — no stereo, no television, no laughter, not even a chiming clock — except for the milkman’s clatter in the wee hours. The world felt quiet back then…, real quiet, as fierce…

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palm trees breeze
My Testimony

My World Falls Apart

“Take him home tonight, and tomorrow take him to the hospital,” our pediatrician said. “I think he may have leukemia.” Shaking violently, I took our seven-year old son’s hand and walked out into the dazzling California morning sunlight. His pale little face looked up at me. “What’s wrong, Momma?” “They think there’s something wrong with your blood, honey,” I answered…

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darkness light
My Testimony, Spiritual Growth

“Seek the Kingdom of God”

In 1985, when my husband was  in depression again, I found it very painful. One morning I knelt beside our bed and poured out my heart to the Lord. I found myself praying, “Lord, will you send Frans to us?” Who was Frans? An ordinary engineer who lived in Europe, Franz Schadee (Bible Mission International) had been touched by the…

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resurrection Jesus inner transformation Christianity other worldviews
My Testimony, Spiritual Growth

The Lie: I Can Do It Myself!

The intern’s rock: Theresa, a young intern in the Bad Herrenalb Klinik, frequently interpreted for me. One day I noticed her fondling this crystal rock; I asked her why she did this. “Oh,” she said, “I believe there is healing in the rocks.” Then I asked  her if she knew that Jesus Christ is the greatest rock of all, and there is…

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My Testimony, Using Faith

Turn Up the Light

In my first blogs I shared some God-moments that I’ve witnessed in people’s faces. As soon as faith entered their hearts, a light turned on somewhere inside them. I could see it shining in their eyes. Light and darkness are two powerful spiritual forces operating right within us and in the world around us—however, we are ignorant of them. Our…

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