My Testimony, The Holy Spirit

You Can Experience a God of Power

My experiences with a living God began to change me. I’d known about God all my life, but now I’d directly experienced his presence and power for myself. My faith no longer rested on someone else’s experience. I felt so excited, I wanted to tell everyone, especially my husband Jerry. But somehow I sensed that I wasn’t  to say much…

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loaf bread
The Holy Spirit

Hungry For Bread, Fish, & Egg?

In his parable of a hungry child and his father, Jesus chose a loaf of bread, a fish and an egg. Why did he pick just those edibles? Because they embody essential spiritual truths! If we can grasp the inner meaning of the parable and its imagery, we’ll begin to understand the heart of our heavenly Father and the promise…

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heart faith Holy Spirit
My Testimony, The Holy Spirit

I Need The Holy Spirit

Our search for God often begins with a crisis. We encounter something that we don’t have the resources or power to handle. For me, it was my child’s diagnosis of leukemia. I knew then that, if I didn’t find a living God, I would never survive this. My search brought me to the realization that I needed the Holy Spirit.…

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horse cart
My Testimony, The Holy Spirit

I Find the Key: Faith in My Heart

During this time of my intense spiritual searching, something unusual was taking place in our Sunday School class. The room had swelled to overflowing with people. An air of expectancy was present; people were searching for something—they wanted more! I noticed that one couple in our class seemed different from the others. When Andy and Nancy prayed, they acted as…

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God dead
My Testimony, The Holy Spirit

The Jesus People Revolution

Last week, the movie Jesus Revolution played in theaters across our country. It tells the story of the Jesus People Movement in Southern California in 970. We were living in San Diego at that time and were deeply impacted by what we saw going on around us. This movement was the forerunner of the Charismatic Movement. Here is a blog…

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