Spiritual Growth

Do You Want To Be More Fully Alive?

Watching events in Singapore unfold, I thought about some truths I’ve learned about life. Only an individual can be a carrier of life—not our institutions, organizations, governments and their policies, or even churches with their dogmas and doctrines.

It is only through our individual genuineness and aliveness that we can significantly touch others. Only our capacity to be truly present when meeting another—not hiding behind a role or a mask—allows life to flow and effects changes.


Jesus States His Mission

Jesus Christ said that he came to make us fully alive. His mission statement is:

I came that they might have life and might have it abundantly (John 10: 10b).

Word Insights

  • LIFE (Gr. Zoe): life as a principle; in the absolute sense, life as God has it.
  • MORE ABUNDANTLY (Gr. Perissos): to have something superabundant in quantity and superior in quality.

Five qualities of a person who is full of life:

  1. Spontaneous
  2. Full of enthusiasm
  3. Curious, full of inquiry
  4. Radiates a zest for life
  5. Effervescent spirit of joy

How alive are you?

Aliveness can be measured by the number of points at which you touch life:

  • Depth of interest—you think interesting thoughts; you are curious.
  • Love for people—you have an outgoing interest in others, an interest projected outside of yourself.
  • Inspiration (to be in-spirited)—you have the capacity to have Spirit put into your spirit.


Go To Jesus Christ

If you want to become more fully alive, you must go to Jesus Christ.

You search the scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me, that you may have life (John 5:39-40).


Lord, I want to live. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit and make be fully alive.


Quotes  on life by Norman Vincent Peale

  • Life is a mystery, creative, unique, and inaccessible to scientific observation.
  • Every creative event with resurgence of life upsets the established order of the routine.
  • Life is always in a state of flow one way or another.
  • Life is creation, in our inner unseen self; fresh creative acts re-surge continually in the secret depth of our being as if intermittent explosions were breaking the bonds of fixation.


See this document and learn what the Bible says about life and death. https://judithdoctor.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Life-Death-Two-Concepts-Central-to-Christianity.pdf

Who is the most fully alive person you know?


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