Spiritual Growth, The Holy Spirit

Drawing from the well of living water

Today is Pentecost Sunday. A few days ago, I dreamt that a man was telling me how to flow with the Holy Spirit. As he was speaking and demonstrating with his hands, I thank God that I grasped what he was showing me.

Jesus said he would give us a well of living water that we could draw from; he also talked about the living water that will flow out of our innermost being.

Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life (John 4:14).


He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being [lit. out of his belly] shall flow rivers of living water.’ But this He spoke of the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive … (John 7:38-39).

So today if you have a desire to walk in the Spirit or to be led by the Spirit, you must get out of your natural thinking/mind and drop down into this place where the living water is.

The Holy Spirit is the key

Author Ralph Nault say, “The centerpiece of New Testament Christianity has something to do with the Holy Spirit and power coming inside us. It can’t be separated from the Holy Spirit. This is one of the key differences between man’s religion and Christianity. In man’s religion, we try to be good, to have a morality, but end up with no morality. In Christianity, transformation occurs through the indwelling Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit working inside a person.”

And if you have a hunger and thirst for something more in your Christian life, you can ask the Father to fill you with the Holy Spirit today. In Luke 11:13, Jesus promises:

If you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask?

Pray something like this

Heavenly Father, I come to You right now. I need that well of living water down inside of me. I ask you to fill me now with the Holy Spirit. And now I thank You, Lord Jesus for filling me afresh with Your Holy Spirit.  Amen.

3 thoughts on “Drawing from the well of living water

  1. Fest Judith,

    I’m reeling with revelation . This post is so powerful. I understand again that I surrender to God to whom all things are possible who is love who loves me that I am safe in his hands that I surrender to his love that I don’t need to know what will happen because I trust him, that I am grateful because I’m not ruled by my petty thoughts but by the kingdom of his heavenly rule, that I want to forgive because that opens my heart to gods love and that I am save in his love.

    1. God is certainly at work in your life and it gives me pleasure to hear how He is bringing you revelation of His ways. Bless you my friend.

  2. Our Lady of Banneux or Our Lady of the Poor and Queen of Nations apparitions from January 15 – March 2, 1933 in Belgia asked Mariette Beco to plunge (push) her hands into a small spring, telling her the spring was for healing and “for all nations”. Today, the small spring yields about 2,000 gallons of water a day with many reports of miraculous healings. Jesus is that well of living water that will flow out of our innermost being and Jesus is that well of grace that we can draw from. The water that Jesus shall give me shall become within me a well of water springing up to eternal life. Heavenly Father fill me with the Holy spirit as I believe out of my belly and from my innermost being. I need rivers of living water flow down inside me. Whom those believed in Him were to receive the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord Jesus for filling me afresh. I need Your power coming and Your presence inside me. Thank you.

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