Dream Resources

Here are some resources to help you learn more about this neglected gift from God:

Books on Dreams

To learn how to purchase my dream books go to Dream Books page.

Dream Messages: 33 Ways to Discover Divine Treasure in Dreams (2023)

This practical book offers ideas on how to work with dreams and discover their hidden meaning. Simple strategies and interpretation approaches help readers understand their dreams and benefit from their wise counsel.

Traum Botschaften: 33 Wege zum Entdecken Göttlicher Schätze in Träumen (2023)

Dieses praktische Buch bietet Ideen, wie man mit Träumen arbeiten und ihre verborgene Bedeutung entdecken kann.
Einfache Strategien und Interpretationsansätze helfen dem Leser, seine Träume zu verstehen und von dem darin enthaltenen weisen Rat zu profitieren.

Dream Treasure: Learning the Language of Heaven (2011)

This book is an outgrowth of seminars my husband and I have been teaching since 1991 on how to hear God’s voice in dreams. In this book, we have distilled what we gleaned from the Scriptures, early Church Fathers, research findings, numerous authors, and our own experiences. It’s a well-researched—but easily approachable—comprehensive book on dreams from a Christian perspective.

Here’s a downloadable freebie of tips for working with your dreams:
Ten Tips for Christian Dreamwork


Facebook: Christian Dream Interpretation

On our Christian Dream Interpretation Facebook page (www.facebook.com/Christiandreamwork), we share dreams that we’ve seen in the news or hear about from others. Dreams stories demonstrate their profound impact on the outer events of our lives and our inner psychospiritual well-being.

Quotes from others on the importance of dreaming are also included to show that dreaming is a common experience. Everyone dreams many times per night, adding up to five years of dreaming in a typical lifetime.


Articles on Dreams

You’ll enjoy the following brief papers on dreams that I made in conjunction with my Radio Horeb programs over the past two decades (please ignore occasional discontinuities and references to previous programs).

Dreams a vital way to hear from God

God Uses Dreams For Inner Healing

The Christian Use of Dreams

The Holy Spirit And Dreams


Downloadable Audio Files on Dreams

Some time back I made a couple of recordings about dreams that others have found helpful. You can download these MP3 audio recordings for free:

Can you tell me if God speaks through dreams today?

God speaks through dreams – are you listening?


Letters from God

Here are some brief imaginative encounters between God and dreamers. They were written by my husband, Gerald, based on scriptural accounts of people’s dreams. Perhaps they will inspire you to interact with your own dreams as if they were “letters from God.”

Dear Jacob

Dear Abraham

Dear King Solomon

Dear Pharaoh

Dear Franklin the Butler

Dear Bob the Baker

Dear Sergeant – Midianite Soldier

Dear Nebuchadnezzar

Dear Dreamer


Professional Paper on Dreams

Not for everybody, but helping professionals will enjoy the following paper. During my MSW studies at Grand Valley State University, I wrote a number of articles that are part of an unpublished work, Resource Manual of Spiritual Interventions (2005). This one is specifically about dreams:

Dreams Introduction