
Grace From A Late Nite Call

Late last evening I received a call from a dear woman in Munich. Recognizing what is going on in America, she wanted to encourage me to keep my eyes on Jesus Christ.

She shared with me several Scriptures, thoughts from a priest in her prayer group, and the need to forgive people and also God. Then she said, “Let’s worship Him right now, together on the phone.” And we did; it was in the wee hours in Germany!

In my disappointment and dismay, God sent me an unexpected word of Grace from across the sea.  That’s His Love.

Joseph responds to his brothers

This morning, a Scripture that has helped me many times came to mind. It shows us how Joseph responded to his evil-minded brothers who had put him in the pit and allowed him to be sold into slavery:

But Joseph said to them, “Do not be afraid, for am I in God’s place? And as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good …” Genesis 50:19-20.

We too must set our eyes on Jesus, who is our deliverer, and watch and wait, and we will see the good God will bring out of our current situation.

Rebellion weakens the forces of life & healing

The following quote from a Swiss Christian physician has guided me for many years. I pray it will help all of us today. The late Dr. Paul Tournier wrote:

“Rebellion weakens the forces of life and healing within us. Acceptance of our diseases, our infirmities, and the limitations imposed upon us by our nature and the circumstances of our existence, is the condition of that inner harmony which can play a decisive part in maintaining physical and moral health.

“From the miracles that are wrought through acceptance, it can be seen that spiritual strength is the greatest strength in the world. It can transform both peoples & individuals. It alone can ensure victory over the negative forces of selfishness, hate, fear, and disorder, which destroy peoples & undermine the health of individuals. It alone gives the joy, energy, and zeal needed in the battle for life and for the defense of health.

“However, acceptance of one’s life has nothing to do with resignation; it does not mean running away from the struggle. It means accepting it as it comes, with all the handicaps of heredity, of suffering, of psychological complexes and injustices. Acceptance is saying an active yes to life, an ability to affirm life as a response of one’s total personality.” (The Healing of Persons)

Learn more about the areas in your life that you can apply this spiritual principle to: Rebellion vs. Acceptance 

Saying hello & good-bye

A wise woman in Germany once told me that life is a series of saying “hellos” and “good-byes” and we must do each of them well. Who or what do you need to say good-bye to today? Let go of today?


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5 thoughts on “Grace From A Late Nite Call

      1. Thank you Fredrick, I just posted 3 podcasts on my website; the series is called Can you tell me if there is a God? Perhaps you will be blessed by them. I always felt a little sad that you were unable to actually join us on our zoom meetings.

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