KMI-503 Restoring and Healing Our Souls

A new Zoom group, KMI-503: Restoring and Healing Our Souls, begins Monday, September 23, 2024, at 1:30 pm EST (UTC–05) (19:30 Uhr Europe). We will meet weekly on Monday for 12 weeks through December 9, 2024.

Our key Scripture for this group is from Psalm 23: “He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake” (NASB).

The process of restoring and healing our soul is a journey that we travel throughout our life as we allow the light of God’s love to penetrate to the core of our inner being. Giving God access to our hearts often occurs in layers over time. We peal back a layer, only to discover that there is yet a deeper level still to uncover and process through.

Think of your soul as being like a container filled with unconfessed, unprocessed issues. Unless you deal with them, you will not have quietness and peace in your soul.

With the guidance of the Holy Spirit we will address the following themes:

  • Your identity
  • Acceptance of yourself
  • Barriers to wholeness
  • Lies embedded in memories
  • Healing wounds
  • Power of right thinking
  • Overcoming fear
  • Our emotional self
  • Ungodly soul ties
  • Overcoming demonic activity
  • Need for affirmation

We will emphasize key principles of the soul that need to be appropriated if you want to change, but it all begins with your relationship with God. Only God has the power to change your heart, heal your soul, and set you free.

Activities of the Group will include: listen to audio teaching by me (on my web site); perhaps view a YouTube Video by someone else; ideas and questions to help you process the soul care principles and integrate them into your life; share your life experiences with others in our group.

If you long to be free from soul issues that plague you, and you want healthier relationships with God and others, then this group is for you. If you want to help other people find healing and restoration of their souls, then this group is also for you.

No fees—donation only

Although the groups are free, we ask for donations if you are able. Donations can be made via PayPal on any page of my website ( Donations go directly to Kairos Ministries, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.

Although PayPal is safe, international donors may prefer using forex brokers who specialize in transferring funds between countries.

Registration is required

You must sign up for the e-group because we keep our groups small so everyone has time to share, give feedback, or pray for each other. We will provide the Zoom Meeting ID and Passcode after you sign up.

How to sign up

To sign up, simply send me an email, saying: “Yes, I want to join KMI-503.” Then we will send you the Zoom meeting ID and Passcode. Please use this email address:

We look forward to hearing from you.