Seven years after I began my spiritual quest and experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit, I lost touch with God’s peace and joy in my heart. No matter what I did, I couldn’t find it again. So I cried out to God to send someone who could help me. He did!
In January, 1978, I met Catholic lay evangelists, Ralph & Pauline Nault, and God sent them to my house.
That morning, as Ralph prayed with me, he saw a vision of a tree with beautiful branches on one side, but none on the other. Now, I had a clue about my problem: After beginning by the Holy Spirit, I had gone back to eating from the wrong tree, the tree of knowledge of good and evil (legalism), not the tree of life.
Now, in his 80s, Ralph writes a “Spiritual Growth Series” to strengthen the body of Christ. I want to pass on the blessings from God that Ralph continually brings into my life. Here is his latest spiritual growth email. I pray that it will feed you from the tree of life.
Spiritual Growth #83: Pressed Down and Overflowing

I expect many Christians feel they do not have a lot to offer: they feel they are not gifted or talented in the way others are. They know the Lord is with them: they are gifted with the Holy Spirit, yet something seems to be missing. Their Christian experience is not as rich or full as it should be.
I want to tell you that you have enough. If you have Jesus and the Holy Spirit you are not lacking. You have everything you need to be a blessing. Remember the five thousand that were fed from five loafs of bread and two fishes; maybe you have only one loaf of bread and one fish, I wonder how many people that will feed if you allow God to use it.
This little message is my one loaf of bread: many may not even bother to read it, but I am giving it just the same because I believe God will multiply it and feed many. It will be sent to people I will never know. It will go out into the world and feed some in other lands, and God will cause this little message to be pressed down and overflowing.
I believe that every day the Lord gives all of us opportunities to share our loaf of bread and fish. Are you taking advantage of these opportunities? Are you even aware of them? For most of us it will not be five thousand, it may be one person, someone right in our household; maybe a friend or neighbor. Our loaf of bread and one fish can feed them.
Lord open our eyes and ears that we will not be like the scribes and Pharisees, or like the two that passed the wounded man on the road because we feel we have nothing to offer.
We all have something to offer. As fast as you give away your loaf and fish God will replace it pressed down and overflowing.
May God bless you!
Ralph Nault (The New Life, Inc)
Question: What do you have to share with others? God’s love? Faith? Hope? Peace? Compassion? Prayer? Testimony? Listening ear? Open heart?
I think it is a gift of God to be first of all a honest soul (bevor ourselves). To recognize what we realy need. (Lc 15, 11-32). I “lost” my family but I found a spiritual family. We help each other in all life’s work and situations. Like the apostels we have to support each others, isn’t it? You also can find a spiritual father or mother to conduct toward’s God. I can share everything. Prais the Lord! Don’t we all suffer on loneliness and load? Let us help each others!