Spiritual Growth

How Have You Experienced God?

drinking coffee cafe Black Forest

In earlier blogs I describe some “God” moments that I’ve seen in the lives of  people. I want you to know that in all these divine encounters, I didn’t do very much. I simply share my experiences with the living God. I never discuss theology, doctrine, scriptures, or church affiliation; some I never even pray with. Yet, as they listen, they are deeply touched, so deeply that darkness and despair leave their faces, and a light turns on in their eyes.

“I know, because I know”

What is it that brings about such dramatic changes? It is the voice of personal experience, the voice that says, “I know, because I know.” This is the one voice people still listen to today. This voice carries great power and authority to touch people.

The Apostle Paul explains it like this:

How shall they believe in Him who they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher….  ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tidings of good things?’… So faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word concerning Christ (Romans 10:14-17).

Hearing what? Hearing the authentic testimony of the power of God in my life:  how He came when I bottomed out and couldn’t go on living; how His presence filled the room as our son breathed his last; and how He spoke to me as I came out of my sleep the next morning. Here is one thing he said: “Don’t question what went wrong, but keep your eyes on Me, and I will heal your heart and bring you through this time of grief.”

What is spiritually real in us can cause others to touch that spiritual reality too. Listening to my God experiences, they came to a place where they had a spiritual breakthrough: faith entered their hearts, and God touched them in a deeply spiritual way. Some say, “It feels like a window suddenly opened inside me.”

Question:  “People hunger to do more than just believe the right things. There is a hunger for some experience of God in their lives (“What Makes Spirituality Christian? Conversations with Dallas Willard,” Christianity Today: March 6, 1995; p. 16-17).  Do you have a hunger for some experience of God in your life?

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2 thoughts on “How Have You Experienced God?

  1. Indeed, I do. God spoke the word revelation into my spirit 20 years ago. Ii was an actual still, small voice. It has been a slow process , however, He is pouring revelation into my heart about Christ in me and be in Christ. I truly believe that revelation is vital , God’s desire. He longs to reveal Christ ….this is His transforming Love and power….Christ in us!

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