Dreams-Visions, Spiritual Battle

Prophetic Dream: “Hand of God comes down on Capitol Building”

This dream was received by a member of Dutch Sheet’s prayer team yesterday and posted today in  “Give Him 15.” It is a powerful spiritual dream giving us a picture of what the Holy Spirit is doing and encourages us to keep praying for our nation.

Running hard

“I dreamed I was with our prayer team, and we were coming back from having accomplished an assignment. We were leading tall, muscular horses by their bridle reins. The horses still had on their saddles and we were leading them alongside a whiteboard fence. Dutch Sheets was leading his horse in front of us. Our horses didn’t appear to be tired but were hot and sweaty. We had apparently been running them hard.

Following a marked path

“We came to what appeared to be a very large barn. There was a door leading underneath the floor of this barn. Once we entered, we gathered our horses into one area; there was barely enough height for our horses to stand.

“We could see another door on the opposite side of this space and knew the way out was through that door. However, with the low ceiling – some places lower than others – there were low places where our horses could possibly get stuck. A couple of team members began measuring the height throughout the space, marking a trail the horses could meander through safely. We all returned to our horses and led them along the marked path, exiting through that door.

Black smoke pours out

“As we departed, we found ourselves in a field and could see the U.S. Capitol Building in front of us. We then mounted our horses and as we sat looking at the building, we began to hear air sirens. These were like the air raid sirens you would hear in old World War II movies.

“As the sirens were sounding, we saw a large hand come down from the sky, taking hold of the dome of the Capitol Building. The fingers of the hand wrapped around the dome and the thumb of the hand flicked the dome open. It was hinged. When it was opened, a very thick, black smoke began rising up out of the building. The smoke was so thick it was almost solid in appearance, actually resembling a living thing. The dome remained open until all of the black smoke finished rising.

“The hand then reached around the dome and closed it. The thick smoke hovered over the dome until a powerful wind came. However, the wind did not blow the smoke away. Rather, it (the wind) became like a net and gathered the smoke into a bundle. A rope tied the top of the bundle and it was then flung out of sight.

Don’t Stop

“As we listened, we heard a Cavalry bugle playing the signal to ‘charge!’ We began moving toward the Capitol, not at a full gallop, but a steady, determined, fast trot. As we began, written in white letters on the ground in front of us, were the words, ‘DON’T STOP.’”

Exploring the dream

Here are questions to help you reflect on the dream:

  • What problems do you need God’s help with?
  • What concerns or questions has your heart  been struggling with?

Symbolic associations:

  • What does thick black smoke coming out of the dome of Capital Building suggest to you?
  • What do horses bring to mind? A barn?
  • What is the purpose of  a Cavalry bugle?

What is the biblical purpose of this dream?

In my book on dreams, I identify 12 divine purposes of dreams. (33 Ways: How to Unlock the Mystery of Your Dreams, p. 43).

  • Why did this particular dream come just now?
  • What primary life issue might my dream drama be related to?

How important is this dream?

To identify the importance of a dream, we decide which of 8 dream categories it belongs to. For instance, this dream belongs to the divine encounter dream category, because it directly connects us with the living God; i.e., the powerful large hand coming down from the sky. (33 Ways, p. 53)

What do you think God is trying to say?

Then Elisha prayed and said, “O Lord, I pray, open his eyes, that he may see.” And the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. (2 Kings 6:16, 17 NASB)



3 thoughts on “Prophetic Dream: “Hand of God comes down on Capitol Building”

  1. Thank you for sharing your dream which I first heard through Dutch Sheets’ Give Him 15. I do believe God will clean out those halls. It’s been a blessing to hear dreams such as this during all the craziness that’s going on. God is working! I pray often for God to bring the “bats” out.To God be the Glory.

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