
Letter to My Sunday School Class

When I was a kid, I believed all the Bible stories. The characters were real people, they heard from God, their world—and eventually, indirectly, mine—was changed, things happened in the spiritual dimension. But that was then; God functions quite differently in the 20th century, according to the King James Bible (Scofield’s notes said so, and they were right up there…

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horse lying down
My Testimony, Spiritual Growth

Where Is God?

When we began our spiritual journey, it was really exciting. One blessing after another fell on us. We just couldn’t praise God enough. Our hearts filled with joy and enthusiasm because we saw the power of God at work in our lives and in our friends. By the way, enthusiasm means to be overflowing with God. Our Christian walk was…

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heart faith Holy Spirit
My Testimony, The Holy Spirit

I Need The Holy Spirit

Our search for God often begins with a crisis. We encounter something that we don’t have the resources or power to handle. For me, it was my child’s diagnosis of leukemia. I knew then that, if I didn’t find a living God, I would never survive this. My search brought me to the realization that I needed the Holy Spirit.…

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