tattered American flag
Spiritual Growth, Spiritual-Cultural War

Never Let Your Voice Be Silenced

One tactic of the Radical Left is to silence good people by defaming their character and reputation—like they did to Judge Kavanaugh and the MAGA hat teen, Nicholas Sandmann. We Americans are facing one of the greatest crises of our entire history—the overthrow of our democracy for an authoritarian society that does not tolerate other ideas, dissenting views, or criticism.…

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God Speaks To Us Through Symbolic Experiences

Recently I dreamed the lights on my Christmas tree suddenly went out. Alarmed, I called out for help. As I awakened, I immediately understood the meaning of my dream. I knew what God was trying to show me. Most dreams convey their messages using images, pictures, and metaphors in a figurative and imaginative way. Unfamiliar with symbolic language, our Western…

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Dreams, A Gift From God: Do You Open Your Gifts?

Don’t think you dream, or don’t remember those images flowing across your mind every night? No Matter. It has been proven beyond doubt that everyone dreams—often many times per night. Experts tell us we dream five to seven times during an ordinary night’s sleep! That adds up to one or two hours of dreams every night—five years of dreaming in…

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Christmas Dreams — Do You Know?

Christmas will soon be here. But do you know the vital role of dreams in the story of this celebrated birth? Joseph dreams of an angel telling him to not be afraid to take Mary as his wife, even though she is with child (Mt. 1:20). The Lord God protects the Christ Child by warning the Magi in a dream,…

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Dreams-Visions, My Testimony

Living My Dreams

Recently I was interviewed by our local newspaper. The editor sent questions, and I spent the entire weekend trying to figure out how to answer them. The questions forced me to look back over my life and try to explain it to a complete stranger. In some way, it forced me to think about the meaning and purpose of my…

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Dream Sharing Group

  I’ve just opened a dream sharing & interpretation group on Facebook. If you are interested in understanding dreams from a Christian perspective and would like to join our group, let me know. This is something I’ve talked about doing for several years and now I’ve finally done it. Jerry and I pray that some of you will discover another…

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What Forgiveness Is Not

Christians hold many commonly held misconceptions about forgiveness. Here are ten “nots” about forgiveness: 1. Forgiveness does not depend upon the offender Forgiveness does not depend upon your offender wanting or asking for it. It does not depend upon whether they are sorry or not. It involves only our cutting off the debt (Gr. aphiemi) that their offense created. If…

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loaf bread
The Holy Spirit

Hungry For Bread, Fish, & Egg?

In his parable of a hungry child and his father, Jesus chose a loaf of bread, a fish and an egg. Why did he pick just those edibles? Because they embody essential spiritual truths! If we can grasp the inner meaning of the parable and its imagery, we’ll begin to understand the heart of our heavenly Father and the promise…

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