egg faith lie scorpion
My Testimony, Using Faith

Can God Lie?

In a recent post (“I Find The Key”) I told about Nancy emphasizing the importance of faith in God’s kingdom. Here are the steps she used to help me find the key to the path of life. First, she read aloud the words of Jesus: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and…

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My Testimony, The Holy Spirit

I Find the Key: Faith in My Heart

During this time of my intense spiritual searching, something unusual was taking place in our Sunday School class. The room had swelled to overflowing with people. An air of expectancy was present; people were searching for something—they wanted more! I noticed that one couple in our class seemed different from the others. When Andy and Nancy prayed, they acted as…

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My Testimony, Using Faith

Turn Up the Light

In my first blogs I shared some God-moments that I’ve witnessed in people’s faces. As soon as faith entered their hearts, a light turned on somewhere inside them. I could see it shining in their eyes. Light and darkness are two powerful spiritual forces operating right within us and in the world around us—however, we are ignorant of them. Our…

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night candles words
My Testimony

Light In Our Eyes

A mother questions On one trip to Germany, a former patient from the clinic asked me to come and see her in Bonn. When I got off the train, the first thing she said was, “Don’t say anything, I just want to see if the light is still in your eyes.” After satisfying herself that it was still there, she…

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