
Grace From A Late Nite Call

Late last evening I received a call from a dear woman in Munich. Recognizing what is going on in America, she wanted to encourage me to keep my eyes on Jesus Christ. She shared with me several Scriptures, thoughts from a priest in her prayer group, and the need to forgive people and also God. Then she said, “Let’s worship…

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wind spirit
Bible Studies, Spiritual Growth

Rely on Grace!

To the believers in Rome, Paul wrote: “those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ” (Rom 5:17b). In other words, God has made available to us an abundance of grace that will enable us to transcend our failures and weaknesses. Understanding Grace We need to understand…

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flaming heart

Part 3: Heart-Based Forgiveness

In heart-based forgiveness, some type of spiritual event usually takes place in the heart of the wounded person that empowers them to release an offender from their debt. We will know when we have truly released someone from their trespass when we think of it and feel only a rush of joy and love. Blog #22 listed 14 aspects of…

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Gifts of Forgiveness

More than 2000 years ago, God provided us with the greatest tool of power ever given to humanity—forgiveness. The sacrificial blood of Christ was given in payment for all our transgressions. It alone has the power to set us free from the debilitating guilt, resentment, anger, and hatred hindering our lives. Forgiveness opens the door to the kingdom of God…

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