tattered American flag
Spiritual Growth, Spiritual-Cultural War

Never Let Your Voice Be Silenced

One tactic of the Radical Left is to silence good people by defaming their character and reputation—like they did to Judge Kavanaugh and the MAGA hat teen, Nicholas Sandmann. We Americans are facing one of the greatest crises of our entire history—the overthrow of our democracy for an authoritarian society that does not tolerate other ideas, dissenting views, or criticism.…

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Downward Spiral of Unforgiveness

We need to understand the pernicious nature of unforgiveness. It is a luxury that you dare not indulge in, because it leads to far greater evils. Here is a brief description of the downward spiral unforgiveness will take you on: 1. Create a record of wrongs Unforgiveness starts with the feeling we’ve been injured, hurt, or wronged by someone or…

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