
Grace From A Late Nite Call

Late last evening I received a call from a dear woman in Munich. Recognizing what is going on in America, she wanted to encourage me to keep my eyes on Jesus Christ. She shared with me several Scriptures, thoughts from a priest in her prayer group, and the need to forgive people and also God. Then she said, “Let’s worship…

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Dreams-Visions, My Testimony

Living My Dreams

Recently I was interviewed by our local newspaper. The editor sent questions, and I spent the entire weekend trying to figure out how to answer them. The questions forced me to look back over my life and try to explain it to a complete stranger. In some way, it forced me to think about the meaning and purpose of my…

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torture image
Forgiveness, Healing & Wholeness

Five Destructive Results of Unforgiveness

In the Gospels, Jesus Christ links forgiving others to answered prayers and well-being. And he warns that if we do not forgive from the heart, we will open ourselves to torturers—the domain of Satan. Recognizing the danger of unforgiveness, we need to consider the relationship of anger, resentment, and bitterness to our very real and practical life problems. Unforgiveness leads…

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carnival rides
Healing & Wholeness, My Testimony

Go To Jesus for Healing

After beginning our spiritual journey, we were learning to go to Jesus in every situation—fishing, parking, shopping, moving, buy a house, painful moments, longings. God seemed to meet us every time. Here are four of our experiences with a living God. The wild Ferris wheel ride One day, my husband, Jerry, shared how he felt anxiety whenever the airplane he…

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pain pills
Healing & Wholeness, Using Faith

Faith, Mile By Mile

The pain was excruciating, I couldn’t sit long. On our home-buying flight to Boston, I had to lie on the floor of the airplane. Now in the doctor’s office I heard, “There is nothing I can do for you. Your pain is probably caused by deep varicose veins. I am sorry, but the only thing I can give you is…

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southern california coast
My Testimony, Using Faith

No More Migraines!

We had been  sightseeing along the southern California coast and had just stopped at a motel for the night. After being in the car much of the day, our three restless sons had quickly changed into their swim suits and were about to jump into the swimming pool.  “Mom, I don’t feel good; my head hurts,” my ten year old…

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San Diego
My Testimony, Using Faith

God Fixes My Car

One bright autumn morning I needed to take our son for his weekly oncology visit, but our family sedan wouldn’t start. When I turned the key, all I heard was a click. I started to react and feel sorry for myself: Here I am alone, with a tremendous responsibility on my shoulders. My husband couldn’t help me—he was on a…

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