Dreams-Visions, My Testimony

Living My Dreams

Recently I was interviewed by our local newspaper. The editor sent questions, and I spent the entire weekend trying to figure out how to answer them. The questions forced me to look back over my life and try to explain it to a complete stranger. In some way, it forced me to think about the meaning and purpose of my…

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Spiritual Growth

Do You Want To Be More Fully Alive?

Watching events in Singapore unfold, I thought about some truths I’ve learned about life. Only an individual can be a carrier of life—not our institutions, organizations, governments and their policies, or even churches with their dogmas and doctrines. It is only through our individual genuineness and aliveness that we can significantly touch others. Only our capacity to be truly present…

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The Holy Spirit

Ode To The Holy Spirit

In honor of Pentecost Sunday tomorrow I am posting my essay, “Ode to the Holy Spirit.” I describe the condition in our culture (remember, the God is dead movement?) and the ensuing outpouring of the Holy Spirit around the world. I think you will be blessed as you recall what God did in the midst of great darkness upon our…

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tussling dogs

Forgiveness Is Not Reconciliation!

Many people have the mistaken idea that forgiveness is the same as reconciliation. This is far from the truth. Forgiveness and reconciliation are two very separate actions. Forgiveness has to do with the removal or release of a debt; reconciliation has to do with restoring friendship or harmony between two people, i.e., repairing a broken relationship. Thoughts by professional counselors…

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Forgiveness, Healing & Wholeness

Five Destructive Results of Unforgiveness

In the Gospels, Jesus Christ links forgiving others to answered prayers and well-being. And he warns that if we do not forgive from the heart, we will open ourselves to torturers—the domain of Satan. Recognizing the danger of unforgiveness, we need to consider the relationship of anger, resentment, and bitterness to our very real and practical life problems. Unforgiveness leads…

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kingdom of God faith
Spiritual Growth

Turn Quickly to the Lord

The path of life requires that we do what Jesus says, to seek (continually) for the kingdom of God. Here are some thoughts from a spiritual father,  Ralph Nault. He offers some practical suggestions on how we can stay in the peace and joy of the Lord, even though there are spiritual battles waging war around us. Spiritual warfare We…

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