Spiritual Growth

Do You Want To Be More Fully Alive?

Watching events in Singapore unfold, I thought about some truths I’ve learned about life. Only an individual can be a carrier of life—not our institutions, organizations, governments and their policies, or even churches with their dogmas and doctrines. It is only through our individual genuineness and aliveness that we can significantly touch others. Only our capacity to be truly present…

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Forgiveness Requires Blood

Since ancient times, blood was used as a ritual sacrament. It was seen as the carrier of the spirit of life and character that lived in a person. Blood has been symbolic of the seat of the soul and the life force within a person. In our culture, we use the term “blood” in symbolic ways, employing idiomatic expressions like:…

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Healing & Wholeness, My Testimony

Dream Reveals My Poverty

A few years after I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I still suffered from too many negative feelings and beliefs. I experienced jealousy, rejection, unloved, unable to connect to the feeling of love in my heart, emptiness, shame, guilt, and all kinds of fears—even though my church friends considered me a good Christian. So I began to pray…

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Spiritual Growth

“Lord Change Me”

In the early years of my spiritual journey, I often heard people pray, “Lord, get him!” —sometimes with judgmental vindictiveness. This troubled me, but I didn’t know why. One day my eyes fell on St. Paul’s words and the Holy Spirit caused me to see something I’d been blind to: it is the kindness of God that brings us to…

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resurrection Jesus inner transformation Christianity other worldviews
My Testimony, Spiritual Growth

The Lie: I Can Do It Myself!

The intern’s rock: Theresa, a young intern in the Bad Herrenalb Klinik, frequently interpreted for me. One day I noticed her fondling this crystal rock; I asked her why she did this. “Oh,” she said, “I believe there is healing in the rocks.” Then I asked  her if she knew that Jesus Christ is the greatest rock of all, and there is…

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