wind spirit
My Testimony

Power of God & Using Spiritual Authority

Hello Friends, This Sunday on Radio Horeb in Europe I am speaking on the theme, “Seek the Kingdom of God.”  Jesus tells us to seek first for the kingdom, but many Christian people have no idea of what the kingdom is or how to seek it. Some think it means heaven, others think it refers to their church, and others…

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heart-based journey
My Testimony, Spiritual Growth

What Is The Kingdom of God?

In 1985, when my husband was  in depression again, I found it very painful. One morning I knelt beside our bed and poured out my heart to the Lord. I found myself praying, “Lord, will you send Frans to us?” Who was Frans? An ordinary engineer who lived in Europe, Franz Schadee (Bible Mission International) had been touched by the…

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Unforgiveness Opens Door to Demonic Forces

According to the Bible, we can experience failures simply because of ignorance. The prophet Isaiah writes, “My people go into exile (captivity) for their lack of knowledge (Is 5:13).”  The Apostle Paul tells the church at Ephesus to “walk no longer just as the Gentiles also walk, in the futility of their mind, being darkened in their understanding, excluded from…

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kingdom of God faith
Spiritual Growth

Turn Quickly to the Lord

The path of life requires that we do what Jesus says, to seek (continually) for the kingdom of God. Here are some thoughts from a spiritual father,  Ralph Nault. He offers some practical suggestions on how we can stay in the peace and joy of the Lord, even though there are spiritual battles waging war around us. Spiritual warfare We…

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horse cart
My Testimony, The Holy Spirit

I Find the Key: Faith in My Heart

During this time of my intense spiritual searching, something unusual was taking place in our Sunday School class. The room had swelled to overflowing with people. An air of expectancy was present; people were searching for something—they wanted more! I noticed that one couple in our class seemed different from the others. When Andy and Nancy prayed, they acted as…

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darkness light
My Testimony, Spiritual Growth

“Seek the Kingdom of God”

In 1985, when my husband was  in depression again, I found it very painful. One morning I knelt beside our bed and poured out my heart to the Lord. I found myself praying, “Lord, will you send Frans to us?” Who was Frans? An ordinary engineer who lived in Europe, Franz Schadee (Bible Mission International) had been touched by the…

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