
God Speaks To Us Through Symbolic Experiences

Recently I dreamed the lights on my Christmas tree suddenly went out. Alarmed, I called out for help. As I awakened, I immediately understood the meaning of my dream. I knew what God was trying to show me. Most dreams convey their messages using images, pictures, and metaphors in a figurative and imaginative way. Unfamiliar with symbolic language, our Western…

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Spiritual Growth

“Lord Change Me”

In the early years of my spiritual journey, I often heard people pray, “Lord, get him!” —sometimes with judgmental vindictiveness. This troubled me, but I didn’t know why. One day my eyes fell on St. Paul’s words and the Holy Spirit caused me to see something I’d been blind to: it is the kindness of God that brings us to…

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horse lying down
My Testimony, Spiritual Growth

Where Is God?

When we began our spiritual journey, it was really exciting. One blessing after another fell on us. We just couldn’t praise God enough. Our hearts filled with joy and enthusiasm because we saw the power of God at work in our lives and in our friends. By the way, enthusiasm means to be overflowing with God. Our Christian walk was…

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kingdom of God faith
Spiritual Growth

Turn Quickly to the Lord

The path of life requires that we do what Jesus says, to seek (continually) for the kingdom of God. Here are some thoughts from a spiritual father,  Ralph Nault. He offers some practical suggestions on how we can stay in the peace and joy of the Lord, even though there are spiritual battles waging war around us. Spiritual warfare We…

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