Spiritual Growth

We Need Revelation

Most Christians know the story of Easter by rote, but for many the full reality of it has not entered into their hearts. They have little revelation about Jesus Christ and His work on the cross. Without revelation in our hearts we end up with a sterile religion, empty of any power to change us on the inside or enable…

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wind spirit
My Testimony

Power of God & Using Spiritual Authority

Hello Friends, This Sunday on Radio Horeb in Europe I am speaking on the theme, “Seek the Kingdom of God.”  Jesus tells us to seek first for the kingdom, but many Christian people have no idea of what the kingdom is or how to seek it. Some think it means heaven, others think it refers to their church, and others…

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Healing & Wholeness, My Testimony

Dream Reveals My Poverty

A few years after I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I still suffered from too many negative feelings and beliefs. I experienced jealousy, rejection, unloved, unable to connect to the feeling of love in my heart, emptiness, shame, guilt, and all kinds of fears—even though my church friends considered me a good Christian. So I began to pray…

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