loaf bread
The Holy Spirit

Hungry For Bread, Fish, & Egg?

In his parable of a hungry child and his father, Jesus chose a loaf of bread, a fish and an egg. Why did he pick just those edibles? Because they embody essential spiritual truths! If we can grasp the inner meaning of the parable and its imagery, we’ll begin to understand the heart of our heavenly Father and the promise…

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night candles words
My Testimony

Light In Our Eyes

A mother questions On one trip to Germany, a former patient from the clinic asked me to come and see her in Bonn. When I got off the train, the first thing she said was, “Don’t say anything, I just want to see if the light is still in your eyes.” After satisfying herself that it was still there, she…

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Bad Herrenalb Clinic Germany
My Testimony

Appointment in the Black Forest

It was a warm August afternoon as we strolled the streets of Bad Herrenalb. My friend and I (both of us nurses) were doing a two-week internship in a clinic nestled in the Black Forest of Germany and had taken the afternoon off. Walking into town, we intended to shop, have coffee, and enjoy this charming tourist village made famous…

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Spiritual Growth

The Path of Life

Many of you are looking for something more in your lives. Perhaps God has touched your life by his grace, and you are different, but you know there’s got to be more. No longer satisfied with a comfortable Christian life, you desire to become more fully alive, to know the meaning and purpose of your life. God longs to lead…

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