My Testimony, Using Faith

Turn Up the Light

In my first blogs I shared some God-moments that I’ve witnessed in people’s faces. As soon as faith entered their hearts, a light turned on somewhere inside them. I could see it shining in their eyes. Light and darkness are two powerful spiritual forces operating right within us and in the world around us—however, we are ignorant of them. Our…

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drinking coffee cafe Black Forest
Spiritual Growth

How Have You Experienced God?

In earlier blogs I describe some “God” moments that I’ve seen in the lives of  people. I want you to know that in all these divine encounters, I didn’t do very much. I simply share my experiences with the living God. I never discuss theology, doctrine, scriptures, or church affiliation; some I never even pray with. Yet, as they listen,…

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Spiritual Growth

The Path of Life

Many of you are looking for something more in your lives. Perhaps God has touched your life by his grace, and you are different, but you know there’s got to be more. No longer satisfied with a comfortable Christian life, you desire to become more fully alive, to know the meaning and purpose of your life. God longs to lead…

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