My Testimony, Spiritual Growth

Clues to Our Divine Destiny

Looking back over your life you can find numerous clues to your potential destiny, like your favorite childhood game, gift, fairy tale, book—or song. Accordions were all the rage in our town in the early 1950s. So despite my brief sojourn with the cello (broken) and my inability to warble “Jesus Loves Me” on key, I convinced my Dad to…

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resurrection Jesus inner transformation Christianity other worldviews
My Testimony, Spiritual Growth

The Lie: I Can Do It Myself!

The intern’s rock: Theresa, a young intern in the Bad Herrenalb Klinik, frequently interpreted for me. One day I noticed her fondling this crystal rock; I asked her why she did this. “Oh,” she said, “I believe there is healing in the rocks.” Then I asked  her if she knew that Jesus Christ is the greatest rock of all, and there is…

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