
Christmas Dreams — Do You Know?

Christmas will soon be here. But do you know the vital role of dreams in the story of this celebrated birth? Joseph dreams of an angel telling him to not be afraid to take Mary as his wife, even though she is with child (Mt. 1:20). The Lord God protects the Christ Child by warning the Magi in a dream,…

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broken globe world
Spiritual Battle

Wake Up: We Are Under Seige

At Valley Forge, Washington was given a vision showing the destiny of our country. He was shown three great perils that would endanger our Republic. The first was the revolutionary war, the great battle for freedom and the birth of our nation. The second was the Civil War. In this battle for freedom, 600,000 martyrs sealed American’s greatness. The third …

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palm trees breeze
My Testimony

My World Falls Apart

“Take him home tonight, and tomorrow take him to the hospital,” our pediatrician said. “I think he may have leukemia.” Shaking violently, I took our seven-year old son’s hand and walked out into the dazzling California morning sunlight. His pale little face looked up at me. “What’s wrong, Momma?” “They think there’s something wrong with your blood, honey,” I answered…

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