My Testimony

Light In Our Eyes

night candles words

A mother questions

On one trip to Germany, a former patient from the clinic asked me to come and see her in Bonn. When I got off the train, the first thing she said was, “Don’t say anything, I just want to see if the light is still in your eyes.”

After satisfying herself that it was still there, she began to pour out her pain and her questions. Her three-year-old had recently been sexually abused by her boyfriend. She kept saying, “How can this be? The same thing happened to me as a child; now it is happening to my son. How can there be a God who cares?”

Feeling helpless, I just shared with her the things God had done for me, loved her, and prayed with her. Later I got a letter in the mail from her. She wrote, “I have a light in my eyes now.”

An engineer believes

Some years ago, my husband and I were chatting in our Southboro, MA kitchen with an engineer friend. Being a highly intellectual man and Catholic by birth, he’d said he really had no faith that there is a God.

I tell him what God has done for us and then encourage him to pray to the God he doesn’t  believe in. Pray like this, I say: ”God if you’re here and for real, I want to know you….” When he finished, his face shined with a new light in his eyes; something powerful has touched him, and his life changes forever.

Judith world map point USA
Going Home

My brother’s wife finds a God

This happened right in my family. My brother married a French woman, Catholic by birth; they were living in Brussels at the time. On my first visit to them, she and I sat at her kitchen table, sharing together about our families. I tell her how our home changed after our parents turned to God and believed in Him. No more drunkenness for dad!

Suddenly her eyes fill with tears, and she whispers, “I didn’t know your family had a God.”

She stands up and goes to the living room to find my brother. With tears flowing, she asks him, “You knew I didn’t have a God. Why did you marry me?”

I tell her about God and his love. I return to America with joy; a new light now glowed within her.

What is the source of this light?

I had been invited to have lunch with the chief doctor of a clinic in southern Germany. As we are eating together outside on the terrace, he looks up at me and says, “I’m intrigued by the light in your eyes. What is the source of this light?”

Doctor light eyes
Adula Klinik

Although I’m not conscious of this light within me, I knew what he meant. I’d witnessed this light turn on in the eyes of many people as they begin to believe in God.

With which the Sunrise from on high shall visit us, To shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. (Luke 1:78-79).

Question: Who or what has such power or authority that despair and darkness instantly leave the face, and a light goes on in someone’s eyes?

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3 thoughts on “Light In Our Eyes

  1. Dear Judith, heared you several times at Radio horeb – like yesterday. your were with your themes very often so Close with me, with my thoughts. Now for the first time I read above: A mother questions. such a Long time I have forgotten this theme wich shoked me 40 years ago. Would you please be so Kind and pray for me. Thank you God for Judith and all People who pray in this world.
    God bless you!

  2. Hello Thanks for sharing. The Bible method is to take these painful memories to Jesus, show him how it hurts, and then ask for his healing presence to comfort and heal the wounds. “Lord I pray that your healing power will touch this mother’s wounds and heal them. Release your healing peace and grace into her heart. And Lord, I pray that you will heal and strengthen her human spirit too. In Jesus name I thank You, Amen.

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