Spiritual Growth, The Holy Spirit

The Witness of the Holy Spirit

Recently on my European radio program, I have been speaking about the Holy Spirit. In July, when I mentioned how the Holy Spirit had led me concerning the virus and the vaccine, I received many questions from listeners. I realize that many Christians are ignorant of the witness of the Holy Spirit.

Led by the Spirit of God

A vital truth of Christianity is the understanding that God has come to dwell within the hearts of people through the new birth or conversion experience. Because of the Spirit of Christ in us, we have more than a shadow. As Ralph Nault says, “We have a reality, a living word in us, which is able to make itself known to us. We call it God speaking to us.”

Once we are born again, we have a new creation within us. The new creation gives us access to the Holy Spirit in our spirit. We call it the hidden man in the heart—the inner man. Because of this, we can sense the leading of the Holy Spirit in our spirit.

For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God (Rom 8:14).

The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God (Rom 8:16).

The inner witness

We call this witness of the Holy Spirit the inner witness. Early in our walk with the Lord, it can be an inward audible voice, but as we mature, it is more often an inner witness, an intuitive knowing.

While shopping in Bad Herrenalb, Germany, suddenly an intuitive knowing entered my spirit that I needed to go back to the clinic. I obeyed and found that God had arranged a divine appointment for me with a woman who needed to know if there is a God.

On Paul’s trip to Italy, he says,” I perceive that this voyage will be with hurt” (Acts 27:10).

Although the witness of the Holy Spirit is supernatural, it may not be spectacular. If you become familiar with this inward witness, you might sense it like an inner click or inner resonance. Sometimes it is more distinct than others—like a check, a go-ahead signal, a green or a red light. Some describe it like a velvety feeling or a disturbed feeling in your spirit.

If we respond to the inner witness, it can provide us with knowledge, confirmation, correction, instruction, or guidance from God.

Gift of wisdom

When you don’t know what to do or feel confused about something, go to the Lord, talk with him and ask for his help, for his wisdom and knowledge for the situation. In the Bible, we are told to pray for wisdom:

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you (James 1:5).

As you pray, drop out of your mind and down into your inner man, the hidden man of your heart. Then take time to tune in and quietly listen.

Wisdom is the ability to judge soundly and deal wisely with facts, even unknown facts. The gift of wisdom is a supernatural gift that goes beyond our natural wisdom, so that we can have more sense than our natural minds are capable of.


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