Dreams-Visions, Using Faith

Vaccine: Fear or Faith?

cartoon of nurse giving Covid vax

Today on Radio Horeb I mentioned how the Lord spoke to me about whether or not to get the vaccine. When I just checked my stats I had 400 views! I think many people are looking for help with this question. So I am posting my May e-newletter where I shared how the Lord used a dream to help me decide what to do. I hope my story will help you.

May e-Newsletter

When the Covid-19 virus took the world by storm, I asked the Lord what He wanted me to do about it. He said: “Do you think you can keep yourself from this virus?”

I knew my answer immediately. “No, Lord, I cannot.” I knew that I did not have the power to keep myself from the deadly virus.

Today, thinking back to God’s question, I understand He was asking me to make a decision—choose between faith and fear of death. Would I place my faith in Him and His power, or in human wisdom?

So that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God (1 Cor. 2:5).

Because I heard God’s voice and made a decision to trust Him, I never opened the doorway to the spirit of fear of death. I was able to remain free of the fear of death that Jesus set us free from.

… through death He … might free those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives (Hebrews 2:15).

God speaks through a dream in the night

Recently we drove up to Michigan to visit our family. Because of my accident and then the virus, we had not been able to see them for almost three long years. In our absence, our four grandchildren grew up and became delightful young adults.

Over dinner, we greatly enjoyed chatting with them, learning about their lives. One question I asked them was, What has been the most important event for you in this past year? Just remembering their answers brings a smile to my face. Children are a blessing from the Lord!

Again, I am thankful that God can speak to us. Some months back, as I struggled with whether or not to get the vaccine, the Lord made it clear to me in a dream that I needed to, if I wanted to see our family. Because of His guidance in my dream, faith came into my heart and we scheduled the injections. We came back home with our hearts full of their love and stories.

We can hear his voice

In John 10:27, Jesus makes it clear that we can hear His voice and do what He says. What has He been saying to you? How has hearing His voice helped you?

To learn more about hearing the voice of God see: https://judithdoctor.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/You-Can-Hear-The-Voice-Of-God.pdf


We greatly enjoyed our recent e-groups on “The Healing Power of Forgiveness.” Currently some of the people in the Euro group are busy translating chapters of my book, I Forgive You into German. We are excited that we will soon be able to publish this life-changing book for our German-speaking friends. Lord willing, this September, I plan to start an e-group about dreams, as a way to hear from God.

1 thought on “Vaccine: Fear or Faith?

  1. Vielen Dank für ihre Erfahrung die Gott ihnen geschenkt hat.
    Als ich den Herrn gefragt habe wegen der Impfung , nach langem Ringen ,habe ich den 2.Korinther Vers 4.8 bekommen . Wir werden in die Enge getrieben und finden dennoch Raum, wir wissen weder aus noch ein und verzweifeln dennoch nicht
    Das war für mich die Antwort, mich nicht impfen zu lassen . Ich möchte ganz auf Gott vertrauen , halte mich an die Vorschriften und bete täglich den Psalm 91 .
    Ich weiß das Gott mich und meine Familie beschützt, Er hat es versprochen , Gott lügt nicht.
    Vielen Dank für ihre wertvollen Vorträge , Gottes reichen Segen für sie und ihre Familie Lg Gabi Vorfeld

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